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Creativity meets efficiency and performance - BSI's Marketing AI Readiness Score

BSI's Marketing AI Readiness Score assesses the readiness of companies to integrate AI in marketing. Clear marketing goals, willingness to innovate and technological infrastructure are key factors.

AI – Readiness

Use AI efficiency and performance

The "Marketing AI Readiness Score" is an assessment or key figure that measures a company's readiness to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing. This metric provides an indication of the extent to which a company meets the necessary requirements to successfully use AI technologies in its marketing strategies and processes. Here are some features that could characterize the Marketing AI Readiness Score:

Customer centricity

Companies with a high AI readiness score align their AI applications with the needs of their customers. The focus is on personalized marketing approaches and tailored customer experiences.

Clear marketing goals

A company with a high AI readiness score has clear marketing goals and understands how AI can support these goals. The integration of AI should be based on strategic considerations.

Agility and willingness to innovate

The ability to react quickly to change and pursue innovative approaches is a key characteristic. Companies must be prepared to test and implement new AI technologies and methods.

Data availability and quality

A good AI readiness score requires the company to have extensive and high-quality data. This enables the AI systems to carry out well-founded analyses and forecasts.

Digital competence of employees

Employees should have the necessary expertise in dealing with AI technologies. Training and further education could help to strengthen digital skills in the marketing team. The role of Prompt Engineers is becoming increasingly important and ensures the

Technological infrastructure

A modern and scalable IT infrastructure is crucial. This includes cloud solutions, big data capabilities and interfaces that enable the smooth integration of AI tools.

Regulatory compliance

A conscious understanding of and compliance with data protection guidelines and other regulatory requirements are essential to minimize legal risks.

Measurable success

A company that is ready for AI in marketing can demonstrate measurable success in terms of increased efficiency, sales growth or customer satisfaction through the use of AI.

Implement AI readiness

Why BSI Marketing AI-Readiness Score

The BSI Marketing AI Readiness Score serves as a point of reference to assess the maturity level of a company with regard to the implementation of AI in marketing and to make strategic decisions for the future.

Recording of all internal and external marketing processes

Evaluation of interfaces and AI marketing potential

Evaluate creativity, time and efficiency benefits

Markteting Determine and benchmark AI readiness score

Markteting Determine and benchmark AI readiness score

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