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AI readiness is not enough - BSI AI customer journey

Challenges of customer perception: The tension between personalization, acceptance and willingness to pay along the customer journey.

AI – Journey

Opportunities and challenges: Customer acceptance of AI in marketing

The acceptance of AI in marketing faces various challenges that are not only technological but also entrepreneurial in nature. A central question is the extent to which customers are willing to accept marketing measures from AI-controlled systems, develop willingness to pay and positively evaluate personalized and AI-controlled campaigns and approaches in terms of creativity and efficiency.

The role of trust & transparency

In order to positively influence customer perception, it is crucial to focus on transparency and trust. Customers need to understand how AI is used in marketing and what data is used in the process. Transparent communication and labeling on the part of companies can help to reduce fears and reservations and strengthen customer trust in AI-driven marketing strategies.

Personalized recommendations

Use AI algorithms to create personalized product or service recommendations based on individual customer behavior. This can lead to customers being more inclined to accept relevant offers.

Dynamic price adjustment

Implement AI-based systems for dynamic pricing. These can react to real-time data and adjust prices to take advantage of customers' maximum willingness to pay.

Chatbots for personalized customer service

Integrate AI-driven chatbots that are able to respond to individual customer queries and provide personalized support. Efficient customer service can strengthen customer loyalty and increase the likelihood that customers will be willing to spend more money.

Automated email marketing campaigns

Use AI to create automated email campaigns based on customer behavior. This could include, for example, sending special offers for products or services that the customer has previously viewed.

Predictive analytics for cross-selling and up-selling

Use AI to make predictions about which products or services a customer is likely to buy. Based on these predictions, you can create targeted cross-selling and up-selling offers.


Incorporate fun elements into your marketing that encourage customers to buy more. This could include rewards, points systems or exclusive access to events.

Social media for targeted targeting

Use AI to analyze social media data and gain socio-demographic information about customers. This information can be used to place targeted advertisements and increase willingness to pay.

Real-time offers

Implement systems that can generate real-time offers based on current customer interactions. Creating a sense of urgency can increase the willingness to pay immediately.

Apply AI - Journey

Using BSI's AI Journey

BSI supports you in designing personalized, AI-driven campaigns efficiently and creatively.

Recording all customer-relevant contact points along the customer journey

Evaluation of acceptance, attitude and personalization potential from the customer's perspective

Derive AI awareness, consideration, purchase and retention scaling

Optimize customer journey and use AI-driven systems!

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